At, we offer you the opportunity to book your taxi or transfer from Alicante city to any destination well in advance. Our service is fast, simple, and completely transparent.
Calculating the price of a taxi in Alicante with is very simple. Use our search tool to get an instant quote and find out how much a taxi from Alicante to any city costs. The final fare is calculated based on the distance, the type of vehicle selected, and any specific needs you may have, such as night transfers or travel on holidays. Discover it in just a few steps:
Origin: Select "Alicante City" as the starting point.
Destination: Enter the destination city and choose from the available options. If your city doesn't appear, type its full name.
Transfer Date: Indicate the exact date you need the service.
Pickup Time: Specify the exact time you wish to be picked up.
Adult Passengers: Indicate how many adults will be traveling with you.
Children: Add the number of children who will be on the trip.
Type of Service: Choose between One-Way or Round-Trip based on your needs.
If you can't find the transfer price you're looking for, don't worry. Just complete our contact form, and you'll receive a personalized quote in less than 12 hours.
At, we strive to offer competitive and transparent prices. Whether you need an economical transfer, a luxury service, or a vehicle for large groups, our platform allows you to calculate the taxi price in Alicante quickly and efficiently, with no surprises in the final fare.
Booking your taxi or transfer from Alicante in advance not only guarantees availability but also allows you to lock in the best available rate. If you're wondering how much a taxi from Alicante costs, our online tool will provide you with an immediate answer, ensuring a reliable and punctual service.
With us, you can also book a taxi or transfer from Alicante El Altet Airport (ALC) at an economical price with instant confirmation, or even rent a car with a driver in Alicante and surrounding areas.
For any additional inquiries, visit our contact section.
Driver was waiting for me in the appointed place at Fiumicino Aiport. Nice driver and felt very safe. The return pick-up was punctual and, again, safe. I highly recommend it.(03/21/2025) Kev Dermott
Good transfer service from Seville Airport to the city.(03/20/2025) Carol P
I've used this service a several times, and it's always been on time with friendly drivers and top-notch service. I’m definitely going to stick with them for our future holidays!(03/19/2025) Keran Cummings
Our driver was waiting for us and took us to our hotel quickly. We had the same driver for our return trip, and he was on time and helpful with our luggage. Overall, it was a smooth and reliable service. A great experience, and we’ll likely use it again in the future!(03/17/2025) Thomas Young
Fantastic service, booking was easy and great value.(03/14/2025) Kirsty Smith
Used from Amsterdam Airport to hotel transfer and return.
Excellent transfer service from Venice Airport, the driver was waiting for us with a sign, he took us to Venice city to where the vehicles could enter and then told us which was our water cab, which was already included in the price we had already paid. The truth is that it has been an unbeatable service, I would use them again and again.(03/13/2025) Daniel G.
Met at the airport and transferred to our accommodation. Driver was very polite and drive carefully and within speed limits at all times.(03/12/2025) Marina Reynoldson
On our return, the driver was polite and engaging. Driving sensibly and again with the speed limits.
Both drivers loaded and unloaded our luggage for us. Excellent service!
Great service from Asturias airport and from our accommodation to airport. Drivers on both journeys were brilliant. Would definitely recommend.(03/10/2025) Janet Marsden
Excellent transfer service in Bilbao, the driver was waiting for me at the airport with a sign with my name on it, which made the pick up easier.(03/08/2025) Ronald Hudges
We used this transfer service from Barcelona Airport to Barcelona Cruice Port. At the airport, the driver was already waiting for us, he told us he was monitoring our fligh to be ready to pick us up, also he was carrying a sign with my name on it, which made the pick up being easier. Super recommended service!!(03/06/2025) Andrew C.